C (6)

Unit Testing Embedded C: On-Target with minunit and Off-Target with MS Test

Generally, the advice on unit testing in embedded environments is to run your tests on the PC host rather than on the target device. Whilst I agree that this is the most productive arrangement, there are a variety of reasons for needing to test on the target which can be convincing in certain situation. The technique described here allows for both. Mike Long in his GOTO 2015 presentation Continuous Delivery for Embedded Systems says "Test on your host because that's fast - it's a really fast way to develop. But also test on the target because behaviour can change in different ways, different compilers, different hardware..." Niall Cooling in his talk at the EmbeddedOnlineConference 2020 "How agile is changing the face of embedded software development" says (at 46m) on the gap between testing on the host and the target Things like TDD really are based on testing in the host, and really that's fine but of course we are typically using host compilers like host GCC and of course we know that at the moment this is typically going to be an Intel based processor. So we are compiling for the underlying OS. And it is good for finding a…

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Answering My Own Interview Question On Integer Maths In C

I've been using this interview question for the last 20 years to test embedded C engineers: Given the formula for Fahrenheit as 9 * C + 32 = F - 5 Write a function to convert unsigned char tempInC to unsigned char tempInF (ie. All values are bytes, including intermediate results). The processor has no floating point library. Recently I was intrigued to find that a very similar problem was posed by professor James M. Conrad at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte at this point in his lecture on Embedded Systems: Software Testing. The responses I used to get were similar to what the students gave in that video. Whilst some candidates would think this was a maths problem that needed rearranging to solve for tempInC, others thought that I just wanted them to write the formula in C syntax. A large percentage of candidates would ignore the premise of the question and cast the parameters to floats, do the calculation as a floating point one and cast the result back to integers. As well as being not anywhere near what I was asking for, this approach leads to rounding down so that 21°C, which should be converted…

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Adding Brightness Control to the BLE Lightbulb Example

In the previous post on using a BLE peripheral example, the LED2 could only be controlled in terms of two states, On and Off. With my background of lighting controls, I wasn't satisfied that this could be called a BLE lightbulb project without at least brightness control. Since the example BLE code is already set up to send a byte as the BLE characteristic value, it should be easy to expand the example to brightness control in percentage terms using the byte in the range 0 to 100. The main addition to the previous project is the PWM software module which sets up and controls the internal PWM hardware peripheral on the nRF52832. It is better to use an existing software module which encodes all the knowledge necessary to set up the PWM peripheral rather than just accessing the registers directly which would mean careful study of the datasheet with possible misinterpretation and that gives us an interface layer for future portability. The first location I tried looking for a reference example was SDK\examples\peripheral\led_softblink but it was not suitable for a couple of reasons. led_softblink uses a low power technique for the PWM which involves setting up the PWM timer and…

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Getting a Simple On/Off BLE Peripheral Example To Work

I was getting a little frustrated with the Nordic examples and tutorials all being not quite ready for use. Not as badly frustrated as this guy but there always seemed to be some mismatch between what was required and what I was using, even when I chose the preferred tools. OK, I made a mistake assuming that I should start with the nRF51-DK because that is a smaller, simpler, cheaper chip. Although when you look into pricing, you find that nRF51's are not necessarily cheaper So I got myself onto the nRF52-DK so that I could use the latest SDK 16 and the Segger SES toolchain, which meets all the requirements in the Getting Starting guide. After going through that, I wanted to find a tutorial that was written from outside Nordic Semi so that it could be more objective about the tools. Given that Mohammad Afaneh is presenting these Ellisys BT videos he seems to be an independent (of Nordic) expert, so his post on How to build the simplest nRF52 BLE Peripheral application (Lightbulb use case) seemed to be a good fit with what I wanted to learn and how to learn it. The rest of this post is my attempt to…

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Eliminate Useless Timer Interrupts by Coalescing Timers

While learning about RTOSes, I came across the idea of Timer Coalescing which improves performance by eliminating unnecessary context switches. But there is no reason that this technique cannot be applied to bare metal firmware (without RTOS). To test out how well it works, I implemented it using a STM32F4 discovery board. I wanted to see the improvement factor in a typical use case, so I decided on running 8 software timers on a 1ms timer peripheral. The software timers count down to 0 then reload themselves. From previous experience, typical periods were chosen for these timers of 1000, 200, 125, 50, 18, 27, 40 and 600ms. (If they had a common factor of say 5ms, then it would make more sense to use that as the peripheral timer rate, but it restricts the flexibility for future changes.) TIM6 was chosen because we only need a Basic 16 bit timer in the STM32F4 architecture. It runs off APB1 at 42 MHz (HCLK at 168 MHz). Prescaler was set to 41, Counter Period ARR set to 1999 for 1ms and auto-reload preload set to Disable. TIM6 interrupts were enabled. Once all this is set up in the Device Configuration Tool, all…

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