visualstudio (4)

Unit Testing Embedded C: On-Target with minunit and Off-Target with MS Test

Generally, the advice on unit testing in embedded environments is to run your tests on the PC host rather than on the target device. Whilst I agree that this is the most productive arrangement, there are a variety of reasons for needing to test on the target which can be convincing in certain situation. The technique described here allows for both. Mike Long in his GOTO 2015 presentation Continuous Delivery for Embedded Systems says "Test on your host because that's fast - it's a really fast way to develop. But also test on the target because behaviour can change in different ways, different compilers, different hardware..." Niall Cooling in his talk at the EmbeddedOnlineConference 2020 "How agile is changing the face of embedded software development" says (at 46m) on the gap between testing on the host and the target Things like TDD really are based on testing in the host, and really that's fine but of course we are typically using host compilers like host GCC and of course we know that at the moment this is typically going to be an Intel based processor. So we are compiling for the underlying OS. And it is good for finding a…

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An Include File Manager for Segger Embedded Studio with Nordic SDK

SES Include File Manager A simple helper application for use with Segger Embedded Studio when working with the Nordic Semiconductor SDK. The application checks which paths exist and allows you to remove those that don’t, allows a search by filename to show which folder they are in, and allows conversion between relative and absolute paths for the include folders. (It does not search your SDK folder for include files to automatically add them to the include paths.) The Nordic SDK folder is structured so that many include files which are needed for a project are in different folders. All of the folder paths need to be added to the c_user_include_directories definition for the project to compile. It is time consuming to search for each include file that a compile will complain about being missing so that it’s path can be added to the project c_user_include_directories. It is easy to end up with duplicate paths and unnecessary paths. The relative path can be tricky to manage due to its change of depth (number of ../) when a project is moved within the folder structure. Opens the file, parses it and shows the results in two lists - Include Paths and Include…

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Replaying a captured 'scope trace using a Siglent DSO and FeelTech FY6900

When you are developing an embedded device, you often find yourself capturing an interesting signal with the 'scope that you would like to send back into your device. If you have invested in an Arb from the same family as your 'scope then this is as easy as moving a USB Flash drive from the 'scope to the Arb, but such Arbs are not the cheapest option out there. Since choosing the FeelTech FY6900 as my Arb, I found that it's software "DDS Signal PC Software" can import a list of points but the format is not the same as exported by the Siglent SDS 1104X-E. So I wrote a utility to convert from one to the other, and with some additional options. This is a utility for converting scope captures from a Siglent Digital Storage Oscilloscope into a format which is usable by a FeelElec FY6900 DDS Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator so that it can stored in one of the Arb memories for replay. This utility is only a file converter and does not communicate with the FY6900, so you need to have installed the FeelTech “DDS Signal PC Software” and the USB cable so that the resultant waveform can…

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