vb.net (4)

An Include File Manager for Segger Embedded Studio with Nordic SDK

SES Include File Manager A simple helper application for use with Segger Embedded Studio when working with the Nordic Semiconductor SDK. The application checks which paths exist and allows you to remove those that don’t, allows a search by filename to show which folder they are in, and allows conversion between relative and absolute paths for the include folders. (It does not search your SDK folder for include files to automatically add them to the include paths.) The Nordic SDK folder is structured so that many include files which are needed for a project are in different folders. All of the folder paths need to be added to the c_user_include_directories definition for the project to compile. It is time consuming to search for each include file that a compile will complain about being missing so that it’s path can be added to the project c_user_include_directories. It is easy to end up with duplicate paths and unnecessary paths. The relative path can be tricky to manage due to its change of depth (number of ../) when a project is moved within the folder structure. Opens the file, parses it and shows the results in two lists - Include Paths and Include…

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Attempting to read and write emProject files as XML

Segger Embedded Studio project files appear to be XML formatted with a custom DOCTYPE. <!DOCTYPE CrossStudio_Project_File> <solution Name="ble_app_MA_lightbulb_pca10040_s132" target="8" version="2"> <project Name="ble_app_MA_lightbulb_pca10040_s132"> <configuration Name="Common" arm_architecture="v7EM" arm_core_type="Cortex-M4" arm_endian="Little" arm_fp_abi="Hard" arm_fpu_type="FPv4-SP-D16" arm_linker_heap_size="8192" arm_linker_process_stack_size="0" arm_linker_stack_size="8192" arm_linker_treat_warnings_as_errors="No" ... /> <configuration Name="Debug" c_preprocessor_definitions="DEBUG; DEBUG_NRF" gcc_optimization_level="None" /> </solution> Reading In VB.NET, Private xmlDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument() xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True xmlDoc.XmlResolver = Nothing xmlDoc.Load(filename) Once the XML is loaded, an attribute such as c_user_include_directories can be read using this syntax sIncludes = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("solution/project/configuration[@c_user_include_directories]").Attributes("c_user_include_directories").Value Writing However, writing out an this XML document object back to a file has a few problems. The DOCTYPE tag changes in that additional square brackets [] appear at the end due to a bug in the .NET framework, so you get <!DOCTYPE CrossStudio_Project_File []> which although is valid XML, causes SES to say that the file is not a valid project. The workaround is to create a new XML Document object and replace the Document Type with a new one, with Nothing (in VB.NET, equivalent to null in C#) for the subset object, as distinct from an empty string. Dim n As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument() n = xmlDoc.Clone() Dim parent As XmlNode = n.DocumentType.ParentNode '4th param in CreateDocumentType has to…

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Fast reading of Excel worksheets into a .NET program

Reading data from Excel into a C# or VB.NET program using Interop.Excel.dll can be very slow because each read operation goes through a slow path in Windows (about 50ms), so instead of looping through each Range or Cell object to read one cell at a time, it is much better to read the entire Range (multiple cells) of interest in one go, and then do the looping on an array inside the program, without having to pull data in from Excel on each iteration. First get the dimensions of the sheet you wish to process. Here is a handy function to do that: ''' <summary> ''' Gets dimensions of Excel worksheet, assuming the first used cell is at (1,1). ''' </summary> ''' <param name="w">Worksheet object</param> ''' <param name="numrows">Returns the number of rows found to be used in the sheet</param> ''' <param name="numcols">Returns the number of columns found to be used in the sheet</param> ''' <remarks>return values are 1 based. Works even when there are blank rows or columns which appear to split the sheet.</remarks> Private Sub GetDimensionsOfWorksheet(ByVal w As Excel.Worksheet, ByRef numrows As Long, ByRef numcols As Long) 'helpful hint for this at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10752971/first-blank-row-in-excel/10753301#10753301 numcols = DirectCast(w.Cells(1, w.Columns.Count), Excel.Range).End(Excel.XlDirection.xlToLeft).Column numrows…

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