Attempting to read and write emProject files as XML
Segger Embedded Studio project files appear to be XML formatted with a custom DOCTYPE.
<!DOCTYPE CrossStudio_Project_File>
<solution Name="ble_app_MA_lightbulb_pca10040_s132" target="8" version="2">
<project Name="ble_app_MA_lightbulb_pca10040_s132">
c_preprocessor_definitions="DEBUG; DEBUG_NRF"
gcc_optimization_level="None" />
Private xmlDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True
xmlDoc.XmlResolver = Nothing
Once the XML is loaded, an attribute such as c_user_include_directories
can be read using this syntax
sIncludes = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("solution/project/configuration[@c_user_include_directories]").Attributes("c_user_include_directories").Value
However, writing out an this XML document object back to a file has a few problems. The DOCTYPE tag changes in that additional square brackets [] appear at the end due to a bug in the .NET framework, so you get <!DOCTYPE CrossStudio_Project_File []>
which although is valid XML, causes SES to say that the file is not a valid project.
The workaround is to create a new XML Document object and replace the Document Type with a new one, with Nothing
(in VB.NET, equivalent to null
in C#) for the subset object, as distinct from an empty string.
Dim n As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
n = xmlDoc.Clone()
Dim parent As XmlNode = n.DocumentType.ParentNode
'4th param in CreateDocumentType has to be Nothing to avoid getting [] in DOCTYPE, which is what you get by default and with empty string
parent.ReplaceChild(n.CreateDocumentType("CrossStudio_Project_File", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing), n.DocumentType)
Using the replaced DOCTYPE leaves a space after the CrossStudio_Project_File
but SES copes with this, and is a minor cosmetic effect. But a worse problem is that the original project file uses a mixture of attribute each on their own line and in-line attributes, which the .NET Framework forces to consistency. For example, the configuration attributes Name, arm_architecture etc are on their own lines:
but the files in folders are in-line
<folder Name="nRF_Log">
<file file_name="../../../../../../components/libraries/experimental_log/src/nrf_log_backend_rtt.c" />
<file file_name="../../../../../../components/libraries/experimental_log/src/nrf_log_backend_serial.c" />
<file file_name="../../../../../../components/libraries/experimental_log/src/nrf_log_backend_uart.c" />
<file file_name="../../../../../../components/libraries/experimental_log/src/nrf_log_default_backends.c" />
<file file_name="../../../../../../components/libraries/experimental_log/src/nrf_log_frontend.c" />
<file file_name="../../../../../../components/libraries/experimental_log/src/nrf_log_str_formatter.c" />
If the in-line attributes are written back on their own lines, this does not affect SES ability to read the project in correctly, but still leads to a problem.
Attribute line formatting problem
Although there are PreserveWhitespace
, Indent
and NewLineOnAttributes
properties of XMLDocument, no combination of these can reproduce the inconsistent formatting of the original project file. My use case was to change only a specific line, leaving the rest of the project file unchanged in a way that diff tools (WinMerge) will only see a change to that line (the c_user_include_directories
Therefore it may be easier to treat the emProject file as simply lines of text rather than XML if we wish to write back a file which should be as unchanged as possible for those lines which were not intentionally changed.
Lesson: Sometimes the right thing to do is treat XML files as just lines in a file instead of using the built in .NET XML handlers which can overcomplicate things.